Expert and User Insights by Dazzletech Ltd t/a Dazzle Hosting Customers
UK web hosting companies tie your website to one server, with Dazzle Web Hosting your website isn’t tied to one single web server but makes use of a whole platform of web servers. This means that you get incredible reliability and speed at an unbelievably low price. Traditional shared hosting performance is subject to how much traffic you get and what other users are doing, but...
I have been with Dazzle Hosting for 4 years and can say that they offer superb value and the level of support is second to none. Every technical aspect I had queries with were dealt with quickly and professionally. In 4 years I think my site was down for just a couple of hours due to a fire! That's an impressive uptime too provides professional web hosting reviews fully independent of any other entity. Our reviews are unbiased, honest, and apply the same evaluation standards to all those reviewed.While monetary compensation is received from a few of the companies listed on this site, compensation of services and products have no influence on the direction or conclusions of our reviews. Nor does the compensation influence our rankings for certain host companies.This compensation covers account purchasing costs, testing costs and royalties paid to reviewers.