This Tutorial will show how to add crop features to image uploads in Drupal 8. Administrators can set Image Thumbnail sizes according to requirements & crop eve
This Tutorial will discuss how to create an animated JavaScript slideshow of images in Drupal using the Views Slideshow & Dynamic Display Block modules.
When a website loads, it loads static resources like CSS and Javascript. The query strings in these resources doesn't allow caching on servers and browsers. In
AngularJS is a JavaScript based open-source front-end web application framework
. Setup the Project.
. Definitions of HTML ,CSS, JS
. Building an AngularJS A
This is a guide to edit the WordPress Theme's functions.php file for moving the JavaScript files to the footer so that the page loading time can be improved. provides professional web hosting reviews fully independent of any other entity. Our reviews are unbiased, honest, and apply the same evaluation standards to all those reviewed.While monetary compensation is received from a few of the companies listed on this site, compensation of services and products have no influence on the direction or conclusions of our reviews. Nor does the compensation influence our rankings for certain host companies.This compensation covers account purchasing costs, testing costs and royalties paid to reviewers.