In terms of usability and customization, Magento 2 is the best ecommerce platform of the world. However, the strong reputation has drawn the attention of all the hackers worldwide. As a result, the number of attacks on the Magento 2 stores has been increased significantly.
So, it’s high time for you to apply the best security measures. In fact, they can be implemented without the use of any extension. In this article, you will find different ways of making Magento 2 store highly secured without using any additional tools. Now, assume you have quality Magento hosting set up, let’s dive in.
Get the Latest Security Patches
As a store owner, you must update your Magento 2 website regularly. It will ensure the installation of all the latest security patches, which are really significant for ensuring safety. There is no tools or plugins that can replicate the security patches. While all of them are important, here are two must-haves for the safety of your store from attacks:
- SUPEE-9767:SUPEE-9767 solves the issue of unsuccessful customer registration at checkouts. Head to System > Configuration > Admin > Security. Now, activate “Form Key Validation On Checkout.” From now on, your customers will face no problem with performing registration at checkouts.
- SUPEE-6788:This patch disables the hackers from getting access to the admin login page by simply calling a module directly via the installed extension URL. It features a new option, called “Admin routing compatibility mode for extensions.” When enabled, the hackers will have no way for performing any type of unauthorized activities.
Get the Latest PHP and Apache Updates
If your PHP version is lower than 5.6, there is a high chance for your Magento 2 store to be attacked by the hackers. So, it’s really significant to get the latest version. Same thing goes for Apache version lower than 2.2. As there is no active support for the older versions, your website will be exposed to unexplored vulnerability. So, make sure that your store is updated with the latest versions of PHP and Apache.
Configure Your Admin Settings Appropriately
The admin settings are located under System > Configuration > Admin > Security in the admin panel. Here, you will find everything to set restrictions for keeping the admin process highly secure. Here are the most significant settings that need your special attention:
- Add Secret Key to the URLs: By enabling it, you can protect your Magento 2 store from all sorts of forgery attacks of the unauthorized users.
- Login is Case Sensitive: This simple setting can enhance your website security significantly, as it forces you to use more complex admin usernames with letters and numbers.
- Session Lifetime (seconds): By limiting session lifetime, you can force your admin team to login to your website and confirm the identity once in a period of time. Otherwise, they will be logged out and not be able to continue their work in the admin panel. You should set its value to the minimum.
There are also a number of tabs that are crucial for your store’s security. You should pay a close attention to these ones:
- Admin User Emails: If the admin forgets the password, he can request a link for getting a new one. The recovery link contains highly confidential information. To protect it, you should restrict its access and lifetime. You can do it by going to Admin > Admin User Emails and set your desired Recovery Link Expiration Period (hours).
- Admin Base URL: As all the Magento 2 websites have the same path to the admin area, the hackers can easily guess the link and intrude to your store. To prevent them, you should use a custom URL to the admin area. It is not a 100% perfect solution. But in most of the cases, it works as a great security measure. Changing the admin area is really easy. Head to app/etc/local.xml file. Place your custom link in the brackets instead of “admin.”
- Activate CAPTHCHA: By using CAPTCHA, you can protect your Magento 2 store from all sorts of automated attacks. It can be very effective for your admin panel login page, as it adds an extra layer of security. To enable it, you have to go to Stores > Configuration > ADVANCED > CAPTCHA. You will see a configuration page for CAPTCHA. There are different settings, including CAPTCHA Timeout and Number of Unsuccessful Attempts to Login. You should choose the minimum value to ensure the best security.
In this article, you have learnt different ways of making your Magento 2 store highly secured. As mentioned earlier, you don’t need to use extension to do it. You just need to follow the steps mentioned in this article appropriately.
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