How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

In order for you to set control levels for different User Groups on your site, you need to make use of the Joomla Permission Settings. Making use of this Permission Settings will give you the ability to enable different User Groups.

This lets them carry out some actions which include creating articles and adding them to the site. The fact they have this capability doesn’t mean they have complete access to the whole site but rather, a limited ability. These permissions are not given to the users individually but rather to User Groups.

Therefore, this entails that for a User to be able to make some changes on your site,  he must be in a User Group which has Administrative Permissions to do so. Further in the article, you would get more information and explanations with regards to the methods and how you can adjust the Permission

Setting to integrate different User Groups and also, the various Permission Settings you can configure.

How To Make Changes To Global Permission Levels

The different Levels of the Global Permission have a crucial part in your site admin as they have effects on your whole site. They also are the basis on which the Permission Levels for various individual Components are established. In order to access and make changes to the Global Permissions, you have to go through the following steps carefully.

Step One: Login to The Server Side of Your website

First and foremost, you need to log into the back end of your site also known as the Administration Area and then navigate your way to where the Global Configuration area is located. Next, ensure you select the tab labeled Permissions and this would bring forth a compilation of various User Groups. Note that the entire Global Permission Levels below applies to every single one of the User Groups.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Step Two:Click On A User Category to Choose Fresh Permission Setting

In order for you to select settings for a fresh permission, then you should expand one of the User Groups just as the image below displays.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Every one of the Permission Level allows the Users to access different actions from the back end of your site and also from the front end.

The Following Are Actions That Can Be Taken:

Site Login

This is a very crucial action here as it decides if the User has the ability to make a login into your site’s front end or not.

Admin Login

This also is important as it decides if the User has the ability to login to access your site’s back end or if he can’t.

Offline Access

The Offline Access has the capability to allow or deny the User from logging in or going through the site when it is in the Offline Mode or inactive.

Super Admin

This permission does not prevent the User Group from accessing every single part in your site’s area despite any other permission setting configured. It is a very powerful action as it grants the user the power and access enjoyed by the Super Users Group members.

Access Administration Interface

It grants the user the power to access the whole administration interface. That is based particularly in the back end area of your site but it has exceptions with regards to the Global Configuration area and being able to have this permission, then it gives room to the User to view every single area of the interface. For a user to have the ability to generate or edit content, and also alter the settings, then it may be necessary to grant those permissions to the user.


This is the permission which controls if or if not a User is permitted to create a certain Component which the User can access.


The delete action allows Users to remove or clear from the Components they can access, any content they deem not necessary.


As the name implies, it lets the User make new changes to any content they wish to edit under only those Components they can access. Now, this works in a way that it doesn’t matter who has created the particular content, it can still be edited by the User.

Edit State

The edit state decides if the User can make changes or not within those Components they are granted permission to the state of the contents. The use of this state of content is to decide if the content is visible inside the site owned by you or not. Now, there are three possible states for most visible contents.  They are: the Published, Unpublished, and Trashed states.

Edit Own

The Edit Permission is very alike to this Edit Own but the differences are that, the Edit Own only allows the User to be able to make changes to the content made by him/her.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels

For you to grant or deny any Permission Level to any User Group, there are steps which you must apply.

Step1: Click On Select New Settings

First, under the Permission Settings, a series of menu appear. You should click on the one labeled Select New Settings.. This will immediately make a drop down menu to pop up.  A series of four options are visible, and the one tagged “Allowed” entails that the User has every allowance and freedom to perform some functions at that Permissions Level. The one tagged “Denied” as the name implies prevents that particular User from gaining access to those actions. Another one tagged “Not Set” has the same work as the Denied. When you are done with it, make sure that your work is properly saved.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Step 2: Set The Manager and Element-based Permission Levels

Every single Manager and element supported in Joomla has unique settings that can be altered in addition to the Global Permissions. What it entails is that one who gives the User Group access for creating, editing, and deleting articles. However this user category may only be permitted to edit only the present elements located inside the Manager or Component found in the toolbar area.

You can alter the permissions for every Manager or element opening the tab named Options button in the toolbar inside the Manager or element.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Step 3: Go To The Permission Tab

From the very time you are within the Manager or Components Options area then navigate your way to the tab labeled Permissions. The main aim of this article is to illustrate the method and steps to gain passage to this area inside the Article Manager. However, the procedure is related for each manager or element.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Step 4: Set Up The Three Settings For Every Permission Level

In order to select the various Permission Level, then you should navigate these three Settings listed in the above image. They are the allowed, inherited and denied. Each of the manager or element based permission level allows the user to do any of the following actions. They can either do this from the client side of the site or from the server end of the site. The actions include the following:


The selection tagged Configure is that which decides if a User would have the ability to gain entrance to the Manager and change its Options or not.

Access Administration Interface

This is that which allows all the Users enter through your site’s back end of into the Manager or Component only if they can login to the back end depending on your settings.

Create, Delete, Edit, Edit State, & Edit Own

All these elements work here just exactly the same way as they function within the Global Permissions Level above. The only difference is the fact that they are only to a particular manager you are carrying out works on necessary.  You should note, therefore, that if you make changes within the Manager or Component to any one of the permissions, then all settings inside the Global Permissions will be override.

Step 5: Configure Permissions Settings

There are three different settings to which you can adjust the Permissions. They include; the Inherited, the Allowed and then the Denied.  The settings labeled “Allowed” entails that the Group will have their Permission granted. The one labeled “Denied” on the other hand signifies that the particular Group will not have their Permission granted.

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Step 6: Allocate Category Permissions

You can allocate Permissions to different Article Categories in order to have more authority over the ability of a User to perform different actions like the Articles creating, editing, publishing, and also deleting what seem not needed. You also have that authority to give a User in a certain Category the ability to edit or create but within a certain Category. However, the user would not have the same permission in any other category.

These Permissions for Categories which Can Be Allocated Include:

(i) Create. (ii) Delete.(iii) Edit. (iv) Edit State.  (v) Edit Own.

With the exception of them being applied to particular Categories, they also work exactly the way they do in the Article Manager. You need to navigate to the Administration part which is also known as your site’s back end and access the Category Manager in order to grant Permissions to a Category. Then click on a category, thereby, opening it. After that, select the tab labeled “Category Permission”

How to Allow or Deny Global Permission Levels in Joomla 3

Step 7: Allocate Article Permissions

The various administrators on the site can allow the Users  to have access to individual articles. This is a very simple task which entails you going to where the Article Manager is located. Once there, click on any desired article to open, and then navigate your way to where the Article Permission tab lies. This is the Area where you can give Permission to your different User Groups.


These are all there is to the configuring allow or deny permission in Joomla 3. You should be able to do this comfortably and seamlessly on your website. However, if you still have some issues, feel free to drop us a note. Happy designing!

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