Isn’t that irritating when you visit a website and receive an error? If you feel the pain, then it’s obvious you can put yourself in your readers’ shoes when they visit your site and get too many redirects.
Depending on the browser you use, the same error appears differently. In Google Chrome, the error message is “This page a redirect loop,” in Firefox; it is “The page isn’t redirecting properly.”
When you have a WordPress site, the error means something is wrong with the website’s configuration, which tends to make a loop and WordPress isn’t able to fetch the proper page.
There is no specific reason for such an error. That’s why today’s tutorial is about different causes of the “too many redirects” issue and how to solve them.
As always, the question arises if non-techie people can troubleshoot WordPress errors. Well, even if you have no idea about WordPress codes, you can still accomplish to fix an error.
You may encounter with a few common WordPress errors, but dealing with them isn’t so hard as people say.
Check the Website URL Settings
As I have mentioned above, there may be something wrong with the WordPress configuration, due to which WordPress keeps redirecting from one page to another.
First of all, you need to check your WordPress Address(URL) and Site Address(URL) by navigating to Settings>>General Settings.
Make sure both are the same. Sometimes, when you have a different Site Address or WordPress Address, you see a blank page which results in too many redirects error.
Nowadays, people are migrating their websites from HTTP to HTTPS and forget to update the URLs; I hope you don’t make this mistake.
If you don’t have access to the wp-admin area, you can update the URLs using the wp-config.php file. I hope you know how to access the file.
Navigate to file manager>>public_html>>wp-config.php and right-click to edit.
I hope you know that if your web hosting allows, you can also access the file using FTP.
define('WP_HOME',''); define('WP_SITEURL','');
Replace the default URL with your website URL and save the file. Clear the browser cache and check if you still see an error on your WordPress website.
Disable All Plugins
Whenever you read a troubleshooting guide, disabling all plugins is always there. As I have mentioned earlier, if you don’t have access to the admin area, you have to use cPanel.
To disable all plugins at once, you need to rename the plugins‘ folder from the wp-content folder. I hope you already know plugins, themes, and all media files are present in the wp-content directory.
Right-click on the plugins‘ folder and choose rename.
A popup appears, rename the folder anything else. Click on the Rename File button, clear the browser cache and check your site.
If you still see an error, you should try editing the .htaccess file.
Delete and Recreate the .htaccess File
Before to take a step further, make sure you backup your website and its database. Now I hope you know where to find .htaccess.
As you have already tried editing the plugins’ folder, you need to go back to the public_html directory and look for the .htaccess file.
If you don’t find it, navigate to the cPanel settings from the top-right corner and check the box to show hidden files on the popup.
Once you see the file, right-click to rename.
A popup appears where you need to rename the file by filling in anything you like. Click on the Rename File button and try accessing your site.
If you still see an error, the best call is to contact your web hosting customer support.
Have You Fixed the Too Many Redirects Issue
Every website is different, and it’s hard to guess the primary cause of having such an issue. It’s possible that a plugin may be conflicting with the core or any other plugin.
If the .htaccess file has some extra codes you have added before, it’s possible something isn’t right. During such a case, you rename the file and check your site, if it works, use the default .htaccess file code.
Have you ever encountered with the too many redirects issue? What was the cause? I remember when I mistakenly added something in my .htaccess file.
I hope you can troubleshoot such an error easily.
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